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Teaching with an innovative educational tool

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Teaching with an innovative educational tool

Interactive and innovative teaching


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To teach with an innovative educational tool is to think, wrongly, that digital devices replace the traditional teaching delivered by teachers. 

However, there is no distinction between them: one goes hand in hand with the other.


Online educational tools

Online educational content has grown considerably in recent years. But they are not enough for a complete and efficient learning. Indeed, even if it is practical because of its non imposed rhythm, digital contents outside a classroom need to be taught by a professional to be well assimilated. 

Innovative and interactive teaching

Teachers can not provide a lesson without interactions and innovative supports because they have to face the rise of educational content present everywhere on the Internet. Interactive and innovative teaching requires animating the workspace so that it becomes alive.

The classroom, a place to share

To counteract the individualism that is growing in the education sector, our spherical screen allows the classroom to be a place of sharing and fun. Students don't want to stay in their corner and do exercises by themselves anymore.

See our Youtube Channel 

Our innovative educational tool does not break human links, it optimizes them. 

Our spherical screen: an innovative educational tool

Our spherical screen can help the teacher to explain mathematical concepts, raise awareness of environmental issues or discover space or history in a playful way.

Find out more about our work on scientific mediation here

The content is in 360-degree motion, so students can observe the lecture while listening to their teacher.This will allow both to share a friendly moment, and especially to retain information.

Our innovative educational tool does not break human links, it optimizes them. It allows the teacher to take pleasure in transmitting all his knowledge. As for the students, it allows them to develop skills that are essential to their development: 

collaboration, mutual help, analysis, memory and creativity. 



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