cultural mediation assistance

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cultural mediation assistance

Optimize the exchange between mediators and visit

museum I Inspiration

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The editorial definition, the documentary research and the implementation of mediation devices are part of the essential missions of the scenographer in the realization of an immersive and creative scenography.

Today, scenographers must take into consideration the demands of museum visitors and respond to their needs. New technologies and innovations in the cultural field are pushing designers to create more and more elaborate scenographies. 

However, these technological innovations do not always facilitate the work of the cultural mediator. This is why it is important to propose an innovative, inclusive and easy-to-use cultural mediation tool to meet everyone's needs. 


A successful scenography as an help to cultural mediation

We understand the importance of a successful scenography.

It helps cultural mediation by facilitating exchanges between the mediator and the visitors by making them more dynamic and accessible.

Our spherical screen is a tool for cultural mediation and responds to all these issues: educational, practical and easy to use, it allows a more attentive interest of visitors and represents a transmission support for cultural mediators.

Find the 5 key points of a successful museum scenography here



A collaboration for a dynamic scenography

The great interest of our collaboration is the collaborative work between OBJEOS and your team in the research of the scenario, the creation of the content and the implementation of the scenography. This allows us to save a lot of time and to obtain creative and educational content. 

All about our co-creation here

Let's create together a creative, immersive and innovative universe to help cultural mediators.

Objeos Team


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