Generation Z in the museum
In the digital age, Generation Z hardly enjoys a visit to the museum.
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This young generation born between 1997 and 2010 prefers to inform themselves via the Internet or virtual visits.
In 2021, 97% of Internet users between 15 and 30 years old consumed culture online (Source: Hadopi).

Generation Z, reticent about physical visits to museums
We start from the fact that many platforms democratize art in all its forms. There is therefore a lack of interest on the part of this public to go physically to a museum when they can learn at home, on their phone.
Museums must adapt to technology
According to 89% of the French people, making the museum more lively and dynamic is one of the priority measures to apply.
And many have done it ! We can now visit with a tablet and have interaction, or interact with multitouch tables for example. The scenographies set up today favor immersive experiences by playing on the visual, sound, touch, etc..
These intuitive and educational devices make people want to get involved. It is more dynamic to simple visit cards.
But is it really enough ?
The young generation wants
a unique and entertaining experience
Beyond proposing technological means to make the experience unique, it is necessary to make the difference and impact people's minds.
That's why we are engaged in finding a solution to share and remember a unique moment.
Our solution adapted to new needs
New interactive technologies are essential to encourage young people to take an interest in cultural concepts. OBJEOS gives a pedagogical and playful dimension by bringing dynamism and by making live a unique collective experience thanks to the innovative spherical display.
Find out everything there is to know about innovative museum displays here
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